2013 Year in Review

What a year it’s been.

I was actually VERY nervous to look back over what I did — or more importantly, what I didn’t do — this past year.

I started out decently, and then cancelled a lot of plans and goals as the year progressed. I missed a lot of events, and put a lot of garments on hold. I felt like I did nothing… and then I looked back at what I did and actually felt impressed when you consider everything (not just costuming). I guess it really is true what they say about doing these review things. You really do realize how much you achieved, and cut yourself some slack about the things you didn’t.

First, the bad…

We ended up having to buy a new car unexpectedly. I ended up getting hurt. Twice (one was worse than the other, but still… kept me from doing anything for a couple weeks at least). And they still have not fully healed, which stinks when I need to kneel on the floor to work on things OUCH. And the worst of all, my brother’s death and the last-minute emergency trip for his funeral a few states away. The last half of my year left me feeling like I just did not care about a lot of things. Fortunately, I’ve been coming out of that funk, and am looking forward to the next year.

So now the good…

I’m going to break it up into sections, because I can’t just count sewing. I did a lot of other cool things this year that took the place of sewing, and leaving them out doesn’t balance things out correctly. I’ll start with sewing first at least! I’m also not going to link to every thing mentioned.


I’d almost forgotten about these first two items!
Talma wrap.
Small 1880’s bonnet.
Elf costume (both gown and crown).
– A new black muff cover.
– New black mitts.
– Started an inked pendant accessory (needs ribbon for wearing, and possibly a sealant to protect the paper).
Gainsborough hat (still needs to be trimmed and I’m unsure if it’ll work, but at least I tried it).

And I even started working on a pattern of a Regency stovepipe bonnet for next year’s first costuming goal!

I didn’t work on any of the dwarf projects, but I’ve been acquiring pieces as collectibles and references, and I now have a couple books with how-to information I will be needing.

As far as historical costuming, I intend to finish some things I started, and finally start a basic Regency outfit I can add accessories to and eventually perhaps have a few outfits to choose from.


This is the part that surprised me most of all! I have not drawn in a very long time, and not only do I have a lot of sketches (both finished/to be finished, and “just because”), but I finished some very nice pieces. You can see a lot of those over on my deviantART account (look under the main gallery and the scraps section).

Some of these have become my favorite pieces I’ve ever done. I still hope to continue drawing Thorin and dwarf fan art, and hope to even add more detailed and possibly painted pieces as well.

Social Media:

I overcame my shyness online again and not only set up the aforementioned deviantART account, but also a Facebook page, and a Tumblr account. Stepping into the public areas of FB as myself (page or personal) was a little nerve-wracking at first, but I’m glad I did. You might have seen me kind of roleplaying on various Hobbit character pages, and I met some really neat people this past year. You know who you are, out there! *winks* They were also very calming and helpful, with getting me through my brother’s death. For that, I am truly grateful.


My husband and I flat-out need to get in better shape again. Not only so costuming is more comfortable, but also because we just felt better when we were more active and fit. To start off, we did some virtual challenges (5K and 10K and are considering trying the 13.1).

We hope to continue into the new year, and as weight goes down and fitness levels return, perhaps even run a 5K or a few. 🙂

We also, for our anniversary, took an archery class together. We haven’t been back, but I have not forgotten the fun we had. Maybe next year we’ll get some gear and then renting lanes for practice will be so affordable!


Well, it’s hard to count the funeral trip as traveling, but we did it. So thankful we had the new car (the old one wasn’t reliable enough, so we would always rent a car for road trips). We did, however, take a trip down south and saw a cave we have been wanting to go back and see again. That was a nice realization, that we could always make quick, one-day trips and get out and see things for not too much money or time.

For 2014:

I have a lot of things I need to try to make as goals next year. All for various things… health, art, costuming, and personal. A year seems like plenty of time, but in actuality it will fly by very quickly and take you by surprise.

I’ve definitely learned not to kick myself too hard when I don’t make goals and end up missing out on things I really look forward to doing, but I guess we’ll just have to see what I’m able to do this next year. I’ll try to keep things simple, and then if I end up with extra time perhaps I’ll squeeze a few more things in.

So really, looking back over this past year, when I consider everything that happened (both good and bad, planned or unplanned)… I can’t really say it was a year I didn’t do much. I may not have all the costumes I had hoped, or attended events I thought I might, or even drawn everything I wanted… I definitely did a lot of various things. What an interesting year.

Happy New Year, everyone!

About Cynthia Griffith

I have way too many interests and hobbies, and continually cycle through them -- paying attention to some, while others wait for when I can get around to them again. My main interests are sewing and costuming (I enjoy historical clothing, such as 18th and 19th century, as well as fantasy costumes like elves and hopefully someday even dwarves), as well as getting back to art by drawing fan art of Thorin Oakenshield and Company. My husband Christopher and I spend a lot of time together, enjoying the outdoors and shared hobbies such as juggling. This blog and website is my way to share what I'm up to with friends and family.
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2 Responses to 2013 Year in Review

  1. It really was a strange year, but still…productive, in spite of some big bumps. You still sewed some cool things and challenged yourself. Obviously, the biggie this year seems to be getting back to art! The Thror piece and “Weight of the World” Thorin are two of my all-time fave pieces of art that you’ve done.

    Closing out the year building back to longer walking mileage and some trail running has been nice! It all makes me really excited for 2014!

  2. You said it, Christopher! (and I agree — those are my two fave drawings as well, although I also like the Thrain one a little too.)

    I think next year, the thing will be trying to balance things a little better and planning time. Of course, as we have learned, life is random and schedules be damned sometimes… but for the most part, they can work out. My sewing may suffer a little more to the art goals, at least until next December (*sighs*), but 2015 I should be able to start balancing both hobbies out even more and perhaps even putting more time back into sewing.

    It helps when you don’t have to make so many foundation layers for all-new eras though. Bit by bit, though… I’ll get there. 🙂

    Here’s to 2014!

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