It’s been quite a few years since I last updated my blog (well, I kept things updated in the background, but never posted or shared anything).
Sadly, I haven’t been sewing in a very long time. I’m not finished with sewing or costuming, but honestly I have very little work space or reason to create things like this right now.
So much has just been “the same,” and other things are quite new! But I don’t want to babble too long here, so I thought I’d at least do a quick “here’s what I’ve been up to!” entry:
- I’m still recording voice work/narration here and there for podcasts like my husband’s show “Not About Lumberjacks,”
- My husband and I enjoy hiking, canoeing, and being out in nature,
- I got a lap harp at the end of 2017 and have been teaching myself how to play it (and recently got a bodhran drum as well),
- Although the fan art I’d been working on has been gathering dust, I’m back to drawing again creating merchandise with two other artists for sale to help raise funds for our favorite animal sanctuary!
So yes! I’ve been doing art for a great cause! We are unaffiliated fan artists who just happen to have a passion for helping animals. Currently we focus on the Goats of Anarchy sanctuary. You can see the sort of things we’ve been creating for sale here at Maybel Arts!
So that’s the sort of topics you might see from me if I post! Sorry I’ve been so quiet! (Oh wow, and please be patient while I get used to the new-for-me format for posting here… eek!)