Category Archives: Hobbies

First Drawings of 2023

I ended up taking December 2022 off, due to decorations causing quite the chaotic mess in my already chaotic home. I was slowly starting to figure out how to reorganize my living and workspace in our way-too-small for us apartment … Continue reading

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Moving My Online Portfolios Back Home (Here)

I originally started sharing new art from when I started drawing fan art inspired by The Hobbit movies on my deviantART site. I created it to more easily find other fans who were inspired by the movies, as well as … Continue reading

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New Design for The Farm Micro Sanctuary!

The sanctuary I volunteer with as an artist and board member (I would help out in person, but we’re in entirely different states/on different sides of the country!) is celebrating their 1 year anniversary as an official nonprofit. We decided … Continue reading

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New Design – I can’t believe I haven’t posted this yet!

I’ll do an entry in a few days explaining why I’ve been especially busy with other things lately, but I got SO distracted that I didn’t realize until there were only 3 days left in the shirt campaign that I … Continue reading

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New Sanctuary Design: “Forever Wild”

This was QUITE the project for me! I was asked by Foreverland Farm to create a design for their new arrival – a wild horse, who had been removed from his land… but now he has a home, and caring … Continue reading

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New Fundraiser Design for The Farm Micro Sanctuary!

My husband and I sponsor a goat named Arlo Goathrie who lives at The Farm Micro Sanctuary. When we found out that he is going to be an ambassador to let people meet a goat, and help explain what the … Continue reading

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Daisy Tribute Fundraiser

The namesake pig at Daisy’s Farm Friends Sanctuary recently passed away, so Maybel Arts set up a fundraiser in her memory to help benefit her sanctuary friends. Available now, a tote bag with Cricut iron-on featuring the design I created … Continue reading

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New Fundraiser Drawing – Dancing Fern!

I was working on another similar design of my own to help a different sanctuary when I saw The Farm Micro Sanctuary put a call out on Instagram for artists to draw their goat Fern as a ballerina dancer (she … Continue reading

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Another Sanctuary Fundraiser Design!

The fundraiser for my previous design for Sycamore Tree Ranch ended with 55 shirts sold! That means the sanctuary raised about $500 to go towards a new barn for their animals. It was a ton of work to promote the … Continue reading

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Long Time No Post!

It’s been quite a few years since I last updated my blog (well, I kept things updated in the background, but never posted or shared anything). Sadly, I haven’t been sewing in a very long time. I’m not finished with … Continue reading

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