Patterns used:
– Based off the drawing (figure 9, towards the bottom) on this page.
– Black satin.
Other materials used:
– Black crochet thread for drawstring.
– Black sewing thread.
– Black ribbon for bow.
Serger, machine, and hand sewing.
The seam allowances were serged because this satin sheds a lot. I machine sewed the sides, and then hand sewed the drawstring channel.
This actually sat around half-finished for a long time waiting to be finished. I was nervous my husband would have to cut his hair — I didn’t want him to have to bother with a wig, but his hair is so curly that it shortens up no matter how long it actually is.
I’m still trying to get used to tying pretty bows and attaching them. There were a few different ways I considered making a hair accessory for him, but I liked that this was a “tie it once” thing so I wouldn’t have to worry about the bow. I want to keep things as simple as possible since he has to help me put my costumes on, and those take long enough.
The way it stays, is my husband pulls his hair into a ponytail, and the length is tucked inside the bag. I then pull the drawstring tight, wrap it up over the top edge of the bag, cross over, and then tie it underneath.
We’ll probably play a little with styling, but he’s going with a more natural look instead of fancy curls.
Updated 10/14/12: My husband ended up cutting his hair when he got a new job, and I was in a panic about what to do. I don’t have time to style a wig for him, so he has juuuust enough hair in the back to clip the bagwig bourse to. I put a little stuffing into the bag so it’s not completely flat, and I attached a small hair clip inside the bag under the bow. I pull what I can of the hair at the lower back of his hairline, and clip that onto it. Then I pull the drawstring part of the bourse bag and tie it like I did before (it wraps across the top, and then ties under the bag on the outside). So far, it seems to be working, but we need a good test with him moving around a lot to see if it will stay put.