My husband has large hands, so I knew there would most likely be no way we would be able to buy a replica to fit on his right middle finger. I also had no idea what size the ring would be overall — the movie replicas obviously have to work right for dwarf-size on screen.
We will have to make our own replica ring for his Thorin costume.
That said, I do like to purchase a few nice replicas for display and they can be helpful to get an idea of how anything you might need to make yourself looks in person or from photographs. So, I thought getting the Weta ring in my size (U/10.25 for my right middle finger) might be a fun idea.
My wonderful mother-in-law, Mary, bought me the ring for my Christmas present!
To be honest, before I saw it in person, I thought the ring might be too large or too obvious for me to wear outside of movie openings or conventions. When I saw it and tried it on, however, I realized that would not be the case and it seems — to our eyes anyway — like more of an everyday take on a piece of jewelry from a movie.
In fact, while wearing it after opening my present, even Mary commented a few times on what a neat ring it was. A non-fan of the movie liked how it looked. So, I think I may be able to wear it more often than I thought when I’d first seen it on Weta’s website, without it screaming “hey, look at the Thorin fan!”
It comes with a very nice box. Here are a few photos of it and the box, along with some images to hopefully give you an idea of size. I don’t have slender hands, they’re more average I think. It sounds weird, but it looks bigger in the photos to me than it does while I’m wearing it.
So yes, I’m very happy — not to mention, incredibly thankful for such a lovely and thoughtful gift! Thanks so much, Mary! 😀
Edited to add: I believe the Noble Collection version’s band has a cutaway on the bottom, as well as the actual movie ring. Now that I’ve worn this ring (even while holding my collectible swords Deathless and Orcrist), I understand why the band has a cutaway right on the bottom. It tends to get in the way for gripping things like that. For a regular, everyday wear ring though, I really like the band on this one.