My husband, Christopher, is currently taking a bit of a social media break. Actually, I think it’s mostly a break from FB.
I’ve taken a social media break before, as well. Now I’m doing it again (and have been, since late January).
I’m mainly staying away from FB, although I’m starting to wonder if I should try avoiding some other places like Tumblr and Twitter, too. *laughs* I don’t actually get much socializing — the Internet is mostly how I stay in touch with people. So any social media break can be pretty lonely for me.
I didn’t really intend to do this, but found I’ve been having trouble focusing and spending way too much time on FB pages. I don’t really use FB like I used to anymore (I won’t bore everyone by going into detail, but I mostly hang out on pages these days), and it’s been a blast making new friends and having fun chatting and being silly.
Things have slowed down a bit since this past December however, and I kept finding myself sticking around “just a little longer” in case chatting started back up.Β It sometimes seemed like the fun started happening when I finally did wander away to get some work done, and over when I came back for a break. I figured, if things are mostly quiet for now I might as well just tell myself to get to work and not allow myself to be on there at all regardless of missing out on fun or not.
Things have also been a little different for me since last year too. I’ve added another hobby to the mix, and sometimes I have to start and stop each randomly, which messes with my focus and even my confidence. I’ve still not fully recovered past skills and practice from my very long art break, and sewing is my newer hobby. It seems like each time I stop one to work on the other, it takes me a while to gain enough confidence to fully dive in. I don’t want to waste precious time and resources by starting over too often — especially by making silly, expensive mistakes! With sewing, I can be slow, and while I was fast in the past with art I am forcing myself to try to push myself more and do a better job than I used to (quality over quantity, which is something I do hope to accomplish with all my hobbies, if possible). Struggling to get myself in the mood to even think about doing hobbies I supposedly (and do!) love and enjoy shouldn’t take even more time, slowing down progress more than ever.
I honestly found myself getting angry and annoyed at each hobby for interfering with the other. Plus, I’ve been finding other bad habits trying to come back that I do not want to allow in my life again.
So I guess I’m giving myself a little time out. No fun treats until I get certain tendencies and habits under control again. Plus, hopefully making some deadlines that are coming up way too fast! (Of course, it would help if I didn’t get sick within a week or so of taking said break to make a big push on projects. Typical!)
I’m honestly not sure how long I am staying away. Well, I have two potential dates, but I’m not telling anyone else except Christopher. That way, if I decide to come back sooner or stay away longer, I can change the goal as needed. I’m still monitoring things enough to make sure nothing is wrong with with my FB, or someone isn’t trying to get in touch with me for some reason. Otherwise… see you all there when I’m back from my break!